Crème Fraîche is an annual incubator programme for london’s finest art school graduates.

We work with a network of supporters and patrons to offer artists the connections, exposure, and mentoring to help them make the move from art school to a sustainable and professional artistic practice.

The Crème Fraîche year opens with a group show in central London to introduce the new cohort.

Throughout the year, all artists are given a Salon, a series of private showings, dinners, and other social events where collectors, gallerists, and Crème Fraîche supporters can get to know the artist and their practice in more depth.

See our recent shows


In Spring, artists are offered the opportunity to join our residency in the Ardèche, which combines workshops on creative development with studio time, and opportunities to unwind and spend time exploring their practice.

Three artists in the 2023 cohort were also selected for the inaugural PSLab residency, working with a team of lighting designers and technicians to develop a new body of work.


We’re keen to work with partners to offer artists opportunities to work on collaborative projects.

In 2023 we’ve had one artist commissioned to paint a pool at Villa Chamoun in northern Lebanon as part of the KDSHA Art Narratives programme, three artists selected by Studio Ashby to show works at Wow!House, several artists selected for a corporate installation series, and a group of works curated for the art programme at a new members’ club.


We’re expanding our mentorship programme; in 2024, we’ll host a monthly mentoring event with a guest speaker covering some aspect of creative or commercial development.

We’re also keen to connect individual artists with supporters with specific expertise.


While Crème Fraîche does place a focus on selling artists’ work, a cornerstone of the programme is introducing artists to collectors, galleries, and art lovers, allowing them to build relationships that will last well beyond the programme.

Throughout the year, and particularly during shows and Salons, we host a variety of social events and dinners.


We understand the difficulties in finding good studio space, and in 2024 are hoping to be able to offer artists help with this. Watch this space!

studio space